47th Claybank Jamboree Quilts of Many Colors - Past and Present and Artist's booths
October 7, 2017 ~ 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Dale County Council of Arts & Humanities located in the Dowling Museum/ Ann Rudd Art Center's KICK OFF celebration for "Alabama 200 " bicentennial birthday featured "THE FRONT PORCH QUILT SHOPPE " quilts exhibit and artists sale booths at the Claybank Jamboree Festival Sat. Oct 7th 2017. Included in the days fun activities was the free children's "Chalk Contest" giving ribbons, M&M's & blow bubbles to all children free of charge.
DCCAH next exhibit honoring our great state will be "MAKING ALABAMA"-traveling exhibit presented by the Alabama Humanities Foundation in partnership with Alabama Department of Archives and History and the Alabama Bicentennial Commission. "MAKING ALABAMA" will be presented by the Dowling Museum/AnnRudd Art Center JUNE of 2018. It will feature the "eight periods of history that defined Alabama as a state, decisions and turning points that shaped what the state would become and what it will be-all in an impressive display to retrace our footsteps to present day and beyond."